€30 (0%)

Total Contributions

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This project didn't reach the goal of €7,000 until March 13, 2020 and wasn't funded
€30  so far of   €7,000
€30  /   €7,000
This project didn't reach the goal of €7,000 until March 13, 2020 and wasn't funded
  0 Seconds left

 1 contributors
   Marcory Sainte Thérèse, ABIDJAN CôTE D'IVOIRE

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PASS SANTE MOUSSO is an electronic health book materialized by a bracelet or medallion. It allows its owner to have personal and medical information with him at all times in order to facilitate his care in the event of an emergency. .

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Bracelet, médaillon et plateforme de suivi


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PASS SANTE MOUSSO is above all the story of a life, the story of several lives from which the promoter was inspired and who motivated it.

** The story of Corine Maurice OUATTARA**

- As a child, Corine was called "AMBULATING BODY" because of everything she dragged as a disease: epilepsy, asthma, sinusitis and allergic to quinine. One day, sent urgently to the hospital in MANKONO, after one of these numerous crises, the doctor not knowing what to do, administered QUINIMAX to her.


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Corine Ouattara sick


She woke up, swollen face and body in addition to itching. She stayed 2 days on the hospital bed. This prevented him, for days, from going to class and taking exams.


** The story of Awa Fadiga **

- In 2014, the city of Abidjan was struck by sad news: the death of young model Awa Fadiga. Only 23 years old, she is the victim of assault. Transported to hospital, she died for lack of adequate care, due to a lack of information.


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_ Awa Fadiga, the model_


Painful by this tragedy, Corine Ouattara decides to set up a device that will allow everyone to carry their personal and medical information with them, in order to facilitate their care. This is how the * PASS SANTE MOUSSO * project was born.


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In 2014, we thought and wrote the project because we understood that the marriage of ICT and Health was possible.

In May 2016, thanks to ** TECHMOUSSO *, a competition aimed at promoting the emergence of * innovative solutions for the collection of data by gender **, we developed the first version of our web application and the first prototype of the PASS SANTE MOUSSO bracelet. .

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. Our objective was to ** develop an application ** allowing to prioritize the affections, the rate of mortality and morbidity, as well in rural area as urban.


Application PASS SANTE MOUSSO www.santemousso.net


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How many people die every day from medical errors due to lack of information in our hospitals, clinics and health centers?

What medical treatment given to the patient or the accident victim is safe?

Who to call to warn of the situation?

What are the specific history or allergies to take into account?

The PASS SANTE MOUSSO offers a variety of jewelry that allows its owner to carry personal and medical information with him at any time, in order to facilitate his care and ensure better follow-up. It’s an electronic health book that saves lives.


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Les bijoux (avec carnet de santé électronique intégré) Pass Santé Mousso


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Our goal is to:

  • ** Improve the quality of care ** of populations while ** reducing the death rate due to medical errors **.

  • Allow health professionals to have tools to ** ensure effective and efficient medical follow-up ** for the entire population.


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the missions and services of the Mousso Health Pass


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In 4 years of existence, Musso Health Pass has come a long way. Indeed :

  • We went through a pilot phase in rural and urban areas

  • We have a database containing information on approximately ** 15,000 ** patients;

  • We are approximately ** 15,000 ** jewelry sold;

  • We are partners of more than ** 70 ** health clinics and mutuals;

  • We have won several awards

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Pass Santé Moussou, laureat au Women In Africa (WIA) 2019

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Foundation Awards Bénédicte Jeanine Kacou Diagou (BJKD) 2019

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Social & Inclusive Business Camp(SIBC) 2019 Côte d'Ivoire

  • We signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene of Côte d'Ivoire;

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Signature of the agreement with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene of Côte d'Ivoire

  • We have partners in the countries of the sub-region: BENIN, TOGO, SENEGAL; BURKINA-FASO, CHAD;

  • We have created a community around our solution.


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  • We operate with a team of 10 people led by a General Manager.


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Since its creation, our solution has been mainly financed with equity. We started with 100 bracelets. But today, demand is growing sharply. The PASS SANTE MOUSSO therefore now needs:

  • computer equipment (computers and tablets) to be offered to health centers in rural areas to enable them to benefit from the same advantages as health centers in urban areas and thus improve the lives of these populations.


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  • ** Offer free to poor populations ** an electronic health book PASS SANTE MOUSSO.

We are therefore launching this campaign in order to make everyone's hearts speak, to create a chain of solidarity.

Contributing to this campaign is:

    • Popularize quality monitoring * on a continent where the medical system is not advanced
  • Allow disadvantaged populations to * improve their living conditions and offer them better health *.

    • Facilitate the work of the medical profession *
    • Create jobs * for several people, especially for women

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PASS SANTE MOUSSO team at work

  • Allow another * trip to rural areas * to raise awareness and distribute electronic health books

The funds collected will be distributed as follows:

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• With us will manage to collect 10,000 euros, instead of limiting ourselves to 1,430 bracelets, we will be able to produce 4,145. • If we collect 14,000 euros, we will do more because we will be able to produce 10,000 bracelets.

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Behind PASS SANTE MOUSSO is a ** young, strong and dynamic ** team led by Madame OUATTARA Corine Maurice. This team works day and night to realize the vision of making PASS SANTE MOUSSO, the health book par excellence of the Ivorian and why not, of the African.

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She is made of :

  • ** ANGE LAGO ** Marketing and Commercial manager .
  • ** ZEBRE EMMA ** marketing assistant .
  • ** ANVOH MICHAEL ** Computer engineer .
  • ** M’BE SILVAIN ** project manager and ** BEBLO MARINA ** project assistant .
  • ** KOUASSI WILFRIED ** application developer .
  • ** DEGBE JEREMIE ** computer graphics and web designer .
  • ** KONE ANNICK ** marketing and communication


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** _ Contribute to PASS SANTE MOUSSO! Share the information with the hashtag #psm! And together, let's save lives ._ **


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Child beneficiary wearing a bracelet PSM

PS: If you cannot directly contribute online, send us your contribution via ** MOBILE MONEY **

  • ** ORANGE MONEY **: 00225 08 10 73 20 (THERESE-ANNICK KONE)

  • ** MTN MOBILE MONEY **: 00225 54 63 16 63 (CORINE MAURICE OUATTARA)

For more traceability, you will receive a certificate of remittance of funds and your contribution will be returned to the platform!

For more information, ** INFOLINE **: 00225 08 28 90 06


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