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Terms of Use
In order to receive the greatest return, you'll need an active and engaged team backed by a minded organization.
Explain your project in detail. The more users know about your project and how you plan to use their money, the more likely they are to contribute.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Engage your contributors with images that capture their attention.
A video is the very best way to summarize your project allow contributors to get a glimpse into your organization.
Incentivize contributors further by offering rewards as icing on the cake.
A successfull crowdfunding campaign relies on a solid base of people who support the project
The first step of getting started is getting your idea out! We'll review it to make sure it fits.
It takes more than an idea, so while we are reviewing, you'll be getting all of your ducks.
Once your project is approved, you'll be ready to go live and start raising money!