Our mission

The mission of Fiatope is:

Fiatope thus helps entrepreneurs in the South to build seed capital and allows project contributors to realize their dream of impact for the countries of the South.

Fiatope's priority areas of action are: higher education, medicine, technology, environment, renewable energies and culture.

What do we respond to

Fiatope is a response to the difficulty of states in the South to accompany and finance young people who have ideas, envy, squash and wish to undertake to change their country.

Fiatope is also a response to the growing desire of people in Europe, North America and in these countries of the South to be actors of the socio-economic and cultural development of the less affluent and help to re-balance the wealth on the planet.

Fiatope finally corresponds to the desire of people in a diaspora situation to organize themselves to enrich the life of their broken communities and improve the lives of their people in the country of origin.

With payment intermediaries and banking players of weight:

We work with partners of choice:

The Team

Passionate about new technologies, digital economy and social entrepreneurship, we are endeavoring to find ways to connect people from all over the world to achieve solidarity in the Southern countries and to reduce inequalities.

Eric Ntonfo, president and Founder
Mireille Tchagang, Communication
Franck Panta, Web development
Frédérique Njibe, Communication
Jean-Christopeh Hadamar, Stories and films
Diane Ngassa, Customer Experience
Nadia Sime, Marketing studies
Jules Ngongang, Strategy and Development
Yves Ntonfo, Prospecting and Events
Tania Sime, Event support
Flavie Dongue, Events
Pernes Panta, Web development
André Ntonfo, Honorary President
Anne Cerboni, Communication
Justin Butera, Web development

Word from the President

It will never have been simpler to act today for an emerging Africa. Indeed, the advent of the participative economy, and its digitization, have for many years already allowed many initiatives to be launched around the world.

No more pretext now: from every in the world, one can finance, follow, contribute, accompany multiple projects, in short act in many fields. The collective force of the crowd is exercised at a distance and dematerialized. This is the new promise of the digital world, which delocalizes the action and makes it ubiquitous.

At Fiatope we have the ambition to amplify this phenomenon, which still benefits too little in the Continent, and to become in this new impetus of the crowd-economy, the Alternative Bank of tomorrow for African entrepreneurs.

So join us for this great adventure, whether it is to finance your projects, offer your multiform contributions, or simply make your desire to participate in this exciting chapter of Africa advance.

Eric Ntonfo

President Fiatope Crowdfunding

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