You have most certainly made it to the point of being a project proponent that the success of your fundraising campaign, certainly a major step, does not alone ensure the realization of your project. At Fiatope, we are fully aware of the challenge of achieving your ambition. For this, we accompany you beyond fundraising. To this end, we have the honor to count on recognized experts and personalities in the various areas of participatory financing that we cover. These are the Fiatope Ambassadors. They will provide you with valuable support in the search for the right skills to carry out your project. Thanks to their address books and their networks, they can help you in many other ways.

The principle of ambassadors

They are an essential part of the Fiatope ecosystem. They help promote the values and goals of the platform. They are the best representatives of Fiatope's ethics and will help you as a project bearer to get the best possible outcome for your commendable initiative. They will also provide inspiration and examples for you, from their experience and the successes they have achieved in their respective fields.

Detailed missions of the Ambassador


Ambassadors are not remunerated for their advice and support

Updates from project sponsors

The Ambassadors will regularly receive updates from project sponsors on the progress of their funding campaign.


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