At Fiatope, we respect our confidentiality commitments. Your payment information and contribution are secure Our local partner is in charge of handing over the collection of the fiatopers to the bearer of the project via transparent process
You are assured that your donatins will be received by the beneficiary project promoter indeed, the Bank of France strictly monitors the activity of holding funds for third parties and guarantees the destination of funds thfrough the authorization it gives to our payment intermediary and the legal obligations of Fiatope
Our ability to select ambitious, original and innovative projects for you In areas such as higher education, health, technology, the environment, agriculture and culture.
We work with many partners in Europe and Africa.
Fiatope is a responsible company. We work with partners approved by the French and international administrative and financial authorities.
We make every effort to ensure the security of your information and the funds you entrust to us for third parties.
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