Fiatope is an organization whose objective is not the enrichment of its members but rather the realization of a societal utopia. In order to operate, we need financing, but we also need revenues and revenues. We derive most of our revenues from derivative financial services from participating financing


The creation of a project is free of charge.

We retain a commission of 6% on the funds collected in case of success of the campaign (objective reached or exceeded).

The commission covers the expenses related to the management of the platform, the secure cantonment of the funds collected and the support for the realization of the project by us or one of our partners.

We retain a commission of 9% for projects that ask us to take charge of setting-up the campaign page on the platform. Fiatope then writes the text of the campaign, organizes it, selects the photos and videos and helps prepare the rewards and the budget

These cantonment fees represent 1.8% of the collection and are paid to Mangopay.

Digital Coaching

free of charge

Participatory financing in white label

The monthly fee is 49 Euros plus, for each successful campaign, 4% commission on the collected funds The 49 Euros commission covers the costs of web security certificate and the management fees of the platform

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