Because Africa will not be built with children whose imagination is elsewhere, we are an African startup specialised in publishing African books for children, with our own online subscription platform. We are launching a crowdfunding campaign for an application development that will make it easier for children to read African books everywhere in the world.
Following a qualitative survey of 200 parents living in Central Africa and in the African diaspora, we made two major observations :
African children are losing their sense of identity because they are mainly exposed to entertainment contents which they have difficulty identifying ;
Parents have difficulty finding African contents for children on the local and international markets.
An analysis of children Literature publishing enabled us to note the existing African offer weakness. Yet, the children book market in the world is constantly growing and represents 24% of the global publishing market, just behind school books. Africa is virtually absent from this major sector, at a time when the cultural offer is a key tool for Education and development. It is to address this challenge that ADINKRA was created in 2018. is a digital subscription platform for African children books, implemented by ADINKRA Publishing House. Our ambition is to become, within a few years, the first digital platform for African children books in the world.
Our goal is to bring children read and discover their culture, while providing solution to the identification and representation problem in entertainment contents.
We provide unlimited access to inspiring contents with African characters that convey African cultures and tell African stories ;
We involve and accompany schools, parents and educators in the awakening, promotion of reading and Education of children ;
We federate a user community who interact, grow and contribute to ADINKRA experience development and improvement.
In other to fulfil our commitment, we have been working since 2018 on the creation of contents, with the help of about ten illustrators and twenty authors. We have thus been able to publish more than a hundred illustrated digital books to be gradually put online.
Since February 2022, the digital subscription platform is finally available online to the general public and has already attracted several subscribers ! This project was financed with €25,000 of our funds.
It includes both in French and English :
- Illustrated books (children books, stories, historical books, leadership, personal development, etc.)
- Audio stories
- Games and colouring
- Educational cards
It has its own intergrated reader, and allows families, wherever they are in the world, to experience unforgettable moments of reading with their children.
The platform is a web-based platform, accessible only via an internet connetion. The product is intended for children aged from 3. However, it is imperative, for their own safety and their parents peace of mind, to limit access to the Internet to children as much as possible.
Hence the essential need to DEVELOP AN APPLICATION TO COMPLEMENT THE PLATFORM, which will enable to :
Limit access to the inernet (possibility of downloading books in the application and having them read by children offline)
Make it easier and more fluid to read books
Allow for better adaptability of content on different types of media. (Tablet, smartphone)
To get around the difficulties of internet flow specific to some African countries (limitation of streaming).
In order for ADINKRA JEUNESSE application to see the daylight, we are appealing to you for an estimated €8000 in fundraising. We cannot and wil not be able to do it alone. We need the chain of solidarity to be set in motion so that, in addition to each personnal contribution, you invite other people around you to give us a hand.
The funds collected through this fundraising campaign will be spent in a staggered way, to provide needs related to the development and launch of ADINKRA JEUNESSE application.
€3000 for the necessary equipment, hardware and software purchase;
€2000 for an Android application development and lauch, including payment of related services and salaries
€2000 for IOS application development and implementation, including service providers and related salaries payment
€1000 for realizing tests at different stages of the Application development.
ADINKRA is the materialisation of a mother and her daughter’s vision who are passionate in books and wish to promote African contents reading.
The founder, Armelle Touko, is a graduate in Publishing from ASMAC (Advanced School of Mass Communication) in Yaoundé. She holds an MBA in Marketing Management and has 17 years of professionnal experience in publishing, communication and marketing. Marie Gabrielle, the co-founder, is an 11 years old student. She is the real charm of the project and the child’s look for ADINKRA’s products and services.
ADINKRA is also :
An editorial team supervised by our Editorial Assistant, Olivia Pigha, who supervises a reading-correction and translation committee
A creative team supervised by our Graphic Designer, Didier Odoumou, who coordinates a panel of freelance illustrators and ensures book design and editing
A technical partner, MYLE Cameroon, which has a team of engineers from the best schools in Africa with international experience. It is at the forefront of the latest technological developments.
Our great team has given itself the mission to accompany child edification, by involving parents and educators. Hence our motto** ̏ We build Human ̋.**
To contribute by credit card : click on ̏ Contribute ̋, enter the amount of contribution. Then enter the requested information as it appears on the card and click on ̏ Confirm payment ̋.
To contribute by Orange Money : click on** ̏ contribute ̋** ; then enter the amount of your contribution in euros at the beginning, the conversion in CFA being done later automatically. Then select the Orange Money paiement method. Enter your number and you will receive a secret code on your mobile to be copied on the contribution screen.
Let’s build human together