€5,815 (108%)

Total Contributions

0 Secondes restants

Cette campagne a réussi et le projet a été financé le Mai 15, 2022
€5,815  collectés sur   €5,350
€5,815  /   €5,350
Dont 6% collectés en francs CFA
Cette campagne a réussi et le projet a été financé le Mai 15, 2022
  0 Secondes restants

 87 contributeurs
   Cameroun, CAMEROON

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After having tested its market for 3 years, Upgradhair wishes to set up its own production plant for hair accessories (wigs, hairpieces etc...). After having studied its market in depth, we call upon our community to accompany us in this beautiful project.

The factory will allow to :

  • Create jobs
  • Produce faster and in volume
  • Deliver faster
  • Design our own products
  • No longer depend on China in our production chain

Let's consume what we create

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We have already invested in industrial machinery, which we have shipped to Cameroon. We are appealing to the community to finance the premises, guarantee start-up salaries and raw materials to launch the activity.

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We have already invested in industrial machinery, which we have shipped to Cameroon. We are appealing to the community to finance the premises, guarantee start-up salaries and raw materials to launch the activity.

We have broken down the funding needs into stages

  • The first level is 6000€ which will allow us to finance 1 year of rent
  • The second level is 15600€ which allows us to finance 1 year of rent and 6 months of salaries

  • The third level is 27600€, which allows us to finance 1 year of rent, 6 months of salary and to acquire raw material. At this level we can already launch our activity.

  • The fourth level is 35400€ (the additional 7800€ will allow us to finance the packaging which includes graphics, production, the minimum order is 500 units and of course its transport to Cameroon).

  • The fifth level is 41400€ (The additional 5000€ will be used to cover the communication costs for 1 year, i.e. sponsoring of the posts and 360 degree communication)

Thank you for your help

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